Magical presence: how to show up online as your sparkliest self

What’s that? Being online makes you feel a bit sick/nervy/like you want to run away to a remote island where there are no phones except a very dodgy Skype connection so your family know that you are still alive?

I get it, babes. Existing in the online sphere IS daunting - it’s exposing and unrelenting, and despite what we’re told about the magic of social media, it’s not always a nice place to be. How do we show up for ourselves and our businesses online without being too vulnerable? How do we find the people who will understand our message? How do we exist online without getting wrapped up in the likes and the comments and the metrics?

Don’t you panic: I’ve put together a list of the things I really needed to hear when I started out. This is what I did/still do to nurture my online presence and my community, without feeling like I’m selling my very soul for a good engagement rate. If you’re feeling all kinds of nervous about being online, this list is for you!

  1. Spend some time figuring out where you want to show up online. Which social media platforms work for you? You don’t have to use them all - just focus on curating a really engaging presence and community on the ones that actually make sense for you and what you do. It’s a total myth that you need to show up on every social media platform that has ever existed, although I would TOTALLY go back on Bebo if it was still a thing.

  2. Speaking of community - for me, feeling comfortable online meant finding my people, the ones who understand what I’m trying to do and want to hear what I have to say. A successful online presence doesn’t mean thousands of followers, it means an engaged, interested audience who you enjoy interacting with. Quality over quantity, my friends.

  3. Don’t put tons of pressure on yourself to be switched on and flawless all the time. The best social media accounts I follow and engage with are the ones that aren’t afraid to show you the good, the bad, and the ugly - because we all know that running a business or working for yourself isn’t always instagrammable and picture perfect, and that’s OK. Instagram stories are the perfect place to show a little more of the every day.

  4. Shine the light on yourself and what makes you, brilliant you. I know, it’s kind of terrifying to think about putting yourself at the centre of what you do and say online - but believe it or not, YOU are the one running this thing, and you are the person people connect with and want to work with. Own it! Don’t dismiss how powerful your presence can be, when you put yourself out there. Be your own biggest cheerleader and everything you do will sparkle.

  5. Post what you know and, crucially, what you love. It sounds mega cliche and a bit cringe, but when you put all the best practice and tips and tricks aside, your online presence should always be rooted in the thing that you’re doing it all for - your craft, your business, your thing. Don’t let the metrics take away from the power of knowing your stuff and being confident to share that knowledge with authority.

Most importantly, don’t forget that your value as a person and as a business owner is not defined by the likes and the comments and the website traffic. You are magical and sparkly and shiny all on your own - but in my very humble opinion, while you’re out here doing your thing, you may as well celebrate yourself loudly and unashamedly online.


Feeling the freelance fear, and doing it anyway